Luciano Rossetto, President of Associazione Nazionale Incisori Contemporanei, has encouraged us to enter work for this exhibition opportunity.
Members of Sydney Printmakers have been invited to participate in the project WorldWide Prints, launched a couple of years ago and that will last for several years. There were two exhibitions for this project planned in 2020, but they were cancelled because of Covid-19. Now they are planned for spring 2022. At the moment there are about 450 artists participating with more than 800 prints from 60 Countries, but only 4 artists from Australia. You can see the Countries, the artists and the prints participating so far, on the website at https://www.incisoricontemporanei.it/sezioni/Collections_1220.htm
The project description with instructions on how to participate can be downloaded from https://www.incisoricontemporanei.it/en/articles/Project-Description_1181.htm
Your entry must be marked Printed Matter No Commercial Value.
There is no set deadline.
For any questions please feel free to contact us at wwprintmaking@gmail.com