A Site specific creative workshop exploring printmaking and photographyover 4 days and 3 nights from Monday January 8 to Thursday January 11, 2018 10am-4pm daily.
Printmaker Gary Shinfield email: gary@garyshinfield.info
Photographer Irena Conomos email: irenaconomos@gmail.com
Make connections with the surrounding area environment, and create in a studio in Medlow Bath.
Explorethe Grose Valley and Blue Mountains National Park through daily excursion and research
Create through printmaking, drawing and photography
Develop your ideas in the studio.
Pathways, woodcut and photopolymer print on 4 sheets of paper, UP
Gary Shinfield 2017
My recent work explores the idea of mapping journeys in the surrounding environment, and combining different printmaking techniques.
In the workshop you will be working with multiple plates – 3 woodblocks and one piece of lino – to build a composite image or series of images. We will also explore ink painting in the landscape, the transfer of these onto blocks, etching lino, and various methods of multi plate printing.
Coat, Digital print Irena Conomos 2017
This image is based on a single photograph developed into a multiple, mirrored piece morphing into something organic and unknown.
In this workshop you will be encouraged to explore photographically to move past the preconceived or familiar developing images using the photographs ability to reveal what is often unseen. The resulting work may remain as digital files for you to work on over time, images can be printed onsite or you can combine these with overprinting or as inspiration to draw on plates.
The basis of this workshop is an immersive experience responding to the environment, climatic conditions and nature in all its manifestations. Your work will be shaped by these experiences and any changes as they unfold.
From this exploration you will work independently developing your own ideas over the period of the workshop, working with two artists with many years experience in their respective fields of printmaking and photography.
To receive workshop details and registration information please enquire on the above contacts. For accommodation options contact Gary Shinfield directly.