Ken Unsworth, Untitled, 1978
Charcoal on paper
Collection Paul McGillick
Photograph by Effy Alexakis, Photowrite
Vibrations in Australian Drawing is an exhibition demonstrating the essence of the practice and the importance of drawing underlying a range of disciplines, and will exhibit at the Macquarie University Art Gallery until 13 September 2023. Gary Shinfield and Nathalie Hartog Gautier are in this exhibition. This exhibition is presented in collaboration with theCreative Documentary Research Centre at Macquarie University and the Cowra Regional Art Gallery. We are honoured to have Professor Tom Murray, Director of the Creative Documentary Research Centre at Macquarie University, officially open the exhibition. Curators: Rhonda Davis, Kon Gouriotis, Leonard Janiszewksi, Tom Murray Where Macquarie University Art Gallery, The Chancellery, 19 Eastern Road, Macquarie University Download the campus map (reference: H20) Any questions about the event, please email us at events@mq.edu.au. |